About Us
- 1860's: Company was founded.
- Previous known owners: W. H. Nycum, M. P. Haggard, C. A. Momyer and B. F. Crose
- 1913-1944: Previous known owners: W. H. Nycum, M. P. Haggard, C. A. Momyer and B. F. Crose
- 1944-1983: Buchanan Abstract Company, Owner: Allen K. Buchanan
- 1983-1998: Buchanan Abstract Company, Inc., Owners: Allen & Suzanne Bisgrove
- 1998-2001: Buchanan Abstract Company, Owners: Larry & Carol Hudson
- 2001-Present: Kossuth Abstract & Title Company, Owners: Larry & Carol Hudson
Mission Statement
To assist our members to develop and maintain the highest standards of product and service to the public. By maintaining a continual high standard of membership. By setting and maintaining high ethical standards of the profession. By providing regular educational programs which will keep our members on the cutting edge of technical, product, service systems and business building techniques In the industry. By maintaining contacts with the national and international aspects and development of the title industry. By diligent research and study to discover new and improved ways to deliver our product and service for the benefit of our customers. By well defined and delivered public relations which inform the public, elected officials and others of the work, necessity and importance of the real estate title industry in the State of Iowa.

Allen K. Buchannan
Owner: 1944-1983

Larry & Carol Hudson
Owners: 1998-present

Our Office
We continue to work diligently to carry on the tradition of excellence established by our predecessors. We recognize the importance of providing the very best service possible to our customers, in the most accurate and efficient manner possible.

Vision Statement
Iowa Land Title Association, the recognized voice of the real estate title industry in the State of Iowa, sets the standards of professional excellence and technical competence for the lasting benefit of the public and the industry.